Wednesday 31 July 2013

I do not wish to treat friendships daintily, but with roughest courage. When they are real, they are not glass threads or frostwork, but the solidest thing we know - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday 31st July 2013 - Long time, no see.

After taking a classroom break, to which I will return tomorrow, today saw me escape to the Essex coast to meet up with an old school friend James. Having not seen him since last November, it was great catching up with him. I had nothing to bring to the conversation however; I still love university and everything about it and there hasn't been any particular moments that I felt the need to share - one day, when he asks me in his own way 'so, how's the love life?' I will actually be able to answer 'really well' rather than 'I've thought of what to name my twenty second cat!' It's good that when we meet up, we can just pick up where we left off - unfortunately he won't be able to ring me up randomly next year so I will miss our impromptu conversations (yes I know there is such a thing called Skype but it's not the same.) We saw The World's End - I enjoyed it; not as much as Shaun of the Dead Hot Fuzz, but I still recommend it.

This picture is just an excuse to have Martin Freeman on my blog!

After the film, we ended up walking along the seafront and sitting by the beach for a chat (with chips!) I also bought a book that needed to be replaced - the spine had cracked and a page fell out of one of my Rachel Caine books...that just DOES NOT HAPPEN TO ME so I needed a new one; it's now in its rightful place on my bookshelf between book twelve and fourteen in the Morganville Vampire series. 

In other news, the packing has started - yes, I know I have 2 weeks until I go but considering I lose next week due to being on holiday, I've had to start early. Stressful business - I'm taking eleven pairs of shoes and don't get me started on my t-shirt collection (the scary thing was sorting that out and realising I've not even taken half of my collection....really need to sort those out next summer and get rid of the ones I don't wear!)

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