Friday 5 July 2013

What is that feeling when you're driving away from people and they recede on the plain till you see their specks dispersing? - it's the too-huge world vaulting us, and it's good-bye. But we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies - Jack Kerouac

Thursday 27th June -  Sunday 20th June 2013 - To Brighton & Back

I went to help at the University open days; something I like doing as I enjoy sharing my passion for my subject.

The amount of times I said; ‘as I do American Studies & History, I thought I’d be focusing mainly on the history of America – however, after taking a literature course, I realised that I not only have a passion for modern American Literature but of the 19th century, finding the essays of Emerson & Thoreau but to name a few’ was actually ridiculous.

Yes I took a picture of part of campus before leaving. No I do not claim to be a photographer.
In fact, my photo taking skills are abysmal. My year abroad photographs are going to be tragic.
That's if I don't lose the camera.
It's not like I haven't done that before.
3 times

I also met the lecturer who runs the Herman Melville course in 4th year (a course I expressed I wish to take) only to be told he was thinking of changing it to Emerson/Thoreau – may have actually screamed ‘yes’ at him. Poor guy probably thinks I’m insane... He got many 'you are a cool academic' points though.

Hannah kindly housed me for a few days (even if the bed did squeak every time I turned around – darn being a light sleeper!!) and because we are students who like to “party hard”, naturally we spent every night before bed watching movies. Before I am mocked, Oliver & Company, 101 Dalmatians & Back To The Future 3 are all top films [although I did once again ignite the dilemma – if BTTF 1 is the best film in the trilogy, which one is better out of 2 & 3?]

(We decided to go for breakfast on Sunday morning before I went home)

Leaving was sad; knowing that I won't be seeing the campus & Brighton again until September 2014, and at the age of 22(!!!) was rather upsetting. However, Louisiana awaits.

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