Wednesday 24 July 2013

A faithful friend is a strong defense; And he that hath found him hath found a treasure. - Louisa May Alcott

Saturday 20th July 2013 - Wednesday 24th July 2013  - Oh I do like to be beside the seaside...

Saturday- Picture this. It's a hot Saturday at midday and you are waiting at Waterloo Station for a train to Poole. The platform is announced and there is a mad rush to get the good seat on the train; that's right folks, the seat with the table. You get it, you get the seat...UNTIL SOME IDIOT SITS DIRECTLY OPPOSITE YOU AND EVERYTIME YOU NEED  TO MOVE YOUR LEGS BECAUSE THEY ARE CRAMPING UP, HE GIVES YOU THE DIRTIEST LOOK EVER. If he wanted the table to himself, he should have arrived earlier. Besides a horrible man sitting opposite me for the TWO HOUR journey (yes, two hours, not allowed to move legs, think on that), I finally arrived in sunny Poole. Abi kindly greeted me, we went to her house, I had to climb up the demon stairs to get to my room for the short stay, and then we went swimming. That evening, we went for a very nice meal alongside Poole Quay. 

I took a picture of my dessert, which was supposed to be vanilla cheesecake but tasted more like panna cotta. It is a good job I like both.

Sunday-We went for a picnic in the New Forest. Firstly, we had a drink in a pub and I made friends with a horse, before we went picnic-ing. I ate too much food (naturally) and attempted to play tennis. Afterwards, we went for another swim. I've done more exercise today than I have over the entire year.

Horses terrify me, but this one was alright. 

Monday-The weather is still tropical. Granted, it wasn't as hot as the day before, but it's still perfect beach weather. Abi always complains about the confusing bus timetable 'down South' as I like to put it, but let me just say she complains too much & she greatly exaggerates. Bournemouth beach was fairly quiet when we arrived so we got a good spot. The local football team arrived and did what can only be described as 'manly water aerobics' in the ocean and I had to stop Abi from running away with one of them (just kidding...) I also tried to educate Abi on a few good films - The Muppets (she did not appreciate the comedy genius) & My Big Fat Greek Wedding (as you can't be my friend unless you like the film, it comes in the terms & conditions.)

Abi went swimming in the sea whereas I didn't have that kind of luxury with a bandaged foot. I like to think my face reflects this anger. Can I also add that my t-shirt reads 'I love boys with superpowers' - I'm not available to just anyone.

Tuesday-We went to Southampton and I didn't buy anything of interest I'm afraid. I mean, I did buy a book yesterday (Rachel Caine's Total Eclipse if you're wondering - no way am I going an entire year without finding out how the series ends.) We also watched My Week With Marilyn - BECAUSE OH MY GOODNESS KENNETH BRANAGH PLAYED SIR LAURENCE OLIVIER. I love Laurence Olivier. I need to have an Olivier movie marathon (although I've been saying for the past year that I need to have a Star Wars marathon....) 

Why did God bless me with this face? Did I say bless? I meant curse.

Wednesday-I had no horrible man sitting in front of me this time. Instead, I ended up playing peak-a-boo with a toddler who kept poking her head around the seat. I finished the day with a trip to the cinema with school friends - we saw Now You See Me which had lots of twists & turns...and Mark Ruffalo. I love Mark Ruffalo.

Books Read; Andrew Miller's Pure; in which it appears I like reading books set in 18th century France. It lacked a plot however. Not in a 'Catcher in the Rye' kind of a way, but in a 'I quite like character development and action to a story' kind of way!

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