Wednesday 3 July 2013

The beginning is the most important part of the work - Plato.

I have decided to do this in order to keep you at home informed on my adventures in America. It’s also to satisfy mum who can’t text me whenever she wants to anymore (sorry mum!) However, as you may note, the start of the blog captures what I have dubbed 'the summer of FUN.'

Things Sophie hopes to achieve on her year abroad;

  1. Not screw up my studies too badly. (This also includes not breaking down halfway through the year as I lose confidence in myself and have no-one to reassure me that I can do this.) 
  2. Visit Massachusetts and live my transcendentalist dream in Concord.
  3. Conquer Walt Disney World – I am going to sob as a 21 year dream is REALISED. (*puts on best speech acceptance voice* And I’d like to thank mum and dad for raising me on Disney films...)
It’s not a long list really – I am easily pleased and of course, some things go without saying; making friends, passing classes, running off with Tom Hiddleston or Benedict Cumberbatch...

This will only be updated for the big events (see above list points 2 & 3) so for everyday updates on how hot the weather is, how much work I am not doing & how many times I’ve been asked if I’m Australian (I can’t only be asked this in Sussex!!), please check out the following link;

I promise not every blog post will be this dull. Believe it or not, I am occasionally funny, witty and charming. It’s compensation for the size of my nose.


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