Sunday 7 July 2013

The only way to have a friend, is to be one - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday 2nd July – Sunday 7th July 2013 - Abi's adventures in Essex (Part III)

Tuesday: We saw Macbeth at the Globe Theatre – my second favourite Shakespeare play (after A Midsummer's Night's Dream) and I was so excited to see it as I'd never seen the play acted out before. I had a few criticisms however; the fact certain parts were “funny” losing the tragedy of some scenes. Lady Macbeth was too hysterical throughout the play – by the time her madness cometh so to speak, I felt no sympathy for her. It’s a shame as LM is one of my favourite female characters of any play/book as so much could be said about her. Perhaps I would have enjoyed the play more if I'd taken off my literature hat! 

Wednesday: I worked & Abi explored London. I took pictures to prove that she actually did come & visit.

Thursday - The day saw our adventures in London continue. Firstly, we explored the Natural History Museum (which I must say, still takes my top museum spot in London!), and then we made our way to Hyde Park to simply sit in the sunshine & read for a bit. We then met mum in the evening to see Pride & Prejudice in Regent's Park - much like Macbeth on Tuesday, it was enjoyable but there are a few changes I would have made. Here is where I explain my love for Elizabeth Bennet. Out of the many books I have read, I have only related to two characters. The first, is Jo March from Little Women - we both like to read, write and have a soft spot for men older than us. The second, was Lizzie - headstrong, sarcastic & witty so I take any adaptation of these two women very seriously. Unfortunately, I didn't much enjoy the Lizzie in this production as her 'feistiness' was a little too modern. However, I would have happily run off with the actor who played Mr Darcy. The three of us also had a discussion in the interval on who our favourite classic literature male was - did the prize go to Mr Darcy, Heathcliff or Mr Rochester? None of these are for me however; this prize is won firmly by Du Maurier's Max de Winter (It's the older man thing, it must be the older man thing!)

This was my 'excited to see the dinosaurs' face. 
And the taxidermy animals.
Who can forget the taxidermy animals?

Friday - We had a lazy day. I say lazy day but what I really mean is we collected a parcel from the post office, had a garden picnic & then I had to do some more of mum's marking while Abi read the last of Brave New World. I can't complain too much about the marking - not only have I been bought a t-shirt, I was surprised with series 1 & 2 of Suburban Shootout. I like the fact mum supports my Tom Hiddleston obsession. 

Try telling me this isn't the greatest t-shirt known to mankind.

We also dragged ourselves out of the house once more just to go to the pub...then finished the evening with board games. Hashtag student life.

We tried to make an effort before going out. Can you tell how unbothered I am? It's like I'm smiling through gritted teeth!

Abi had a drink that resembled the taste of soap, whereas I went for the best drink on this planet - a gin & tonic. Okay, it wasn't the best gin because it wasn't Hendricks but it was better than soap girl's choice!

Saturday - We had our last trip to London before Abi went home on Sunday. First in order was a trip to Borough Market where I had the greatest roast beef brisket roll. I also bought cheesecake (although at the time of writing, I am yet to eat it!)

Ah look, sunshine!

Then I was DRAGGED to look at Kensington Palace because I'm friends with a royalist so passionate that even Charles I would be proud. 

Look at Abi's photo taking skils - LOOK AT THEM.

We stood outside for all of 5 minutes going 'what a lovely house' and 'what a lovely statue' and finally, 'what a lovely pond surrounding the lovely statue.' Then came the real fun...a much needed rest, sitting in the sunshine shade ; Abi immersed herself into the world of To Kill A Mockingbird whereas I tried not to lose patience with the kid in The Catcher in the Rye.

For the last time Abigail, you do not have a massive head.

Fast forward in time, and you'll find us in Westfield in Stratford. I bought a skirt and I'm finding myself using the 'it's for America' excuse for everything. Buy a pair of jeans, for America. Buy some new shoes, for America. Buy a cake, for America.

Would like it to be known that I can now get Bubble Tea in Stratford.
Best news ever.

As it's Abi's final night in Essex until 2014(!!), we went for some Indian food. You know when you eat so much food that you need a nap after to recover, I had that feeling. So good.

Sunday -I have discovered that 1) Emerson's house will not be open to the public when I go during Thanksgiving break and 2) He married his second wife exactly 157 years before I was born. I told mum it was a sign, she said for what, I shrugged my shoulders and walked away. Needless to say, disregarding the eleven unread books on my bookshelf already, I have bought Mr Emerson's Wife as I have just discovered it exists and if the author herself puts this on her website - 'It's clear from reading Lidian's letters and, especially, Emerson's journals, that the Emerson marriage was not a happy one. After the death in 1842 of their oldest son, Waldo, at the age of five, Emerson withdrew emotionally and Lidian spent much of her time in the company of Thoreau, who was grieving the death of his brother,' I am not not going to read it. I have just re-read this paragraph and realise I have a problem - my fangirl is showing. 

I went to GWNN in the evening and we had a water fight. Seemed a good idea at the time, but then I realised how horrible I feel afterwards...

Also, Abi left me. Back to reality...back to marking. Oh, and I've eaten the cheesecake. Yum! 

Books read – Markus Zusack’s The Book Thief. One of the best books I've read in an awfully long time.
I had to tweet my enjoyment to the author and was lucky enough to receive a reply.

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