Saturday 3 August 2013

I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being- Oscar Wilde

Saturday 3rd August 2013 - The day Abi screamed like a girl because of a pigeon.

Last night I went to a house party - thanks to the lovely Carrie for not only inviting me but for letting me stay the night too because I would not have made it home from North London!

A break from dancing presents a photo opportunity!

I drank more than I wanted to - alas, PEER PRESSURE and ate something called 'rummy bears' - which are basically gummy bears soaked in rum (ew) for more than an hour. Although as the party continued, vodka also got added to the sweets... I also drank Hendricks Gin which is my FAVOURITE GIN EVER - tonic & a slice of cucumber makes everything better.

We decided to sit at the bottom of the garden, but then I was left alone as people went to get more alcohol. I ended up playing Bejeweled(best game ever) and it turns out, when I'm tipsy and sitting in a garden, I like to quote bits of Thoreau's Walden

This morning, I had to make my way from North London to Waterloo - bit of a challenge but after getting a bus to Highgate Station, it wasn't too tragic from there. Firstly, we went for lunch and then we had frozen yoghurt - one of those build it yourself yoghurts; strawberry, grape and vanilla flavour with good toppings. I say good toppings, this excludes Abi's side as she put some liquorice sweets on it. Then comes the walking - through Covent Garden, through Soho (where we stopped for Bubble Tea - I refuse to admit how obsessed I am with that stuff!) and onto the theatre to see The 39 Steps in Piccadilly Circus. All three of us fell momentarily in love with the man who took our tickets. Well, when you get paid a compliment, it's hard not to!

I really enjoyed this play - it was very clever and considering it was only a cast of four, they were all excellent! Parts were funny yet parts made Abi jump (not hard, she jumps at everything). It's also a short production so there were no parts that dragged or I felt bored during. The man who played main character Richard Hannay reminded me of Laurence Olivier.

We continued our tradition of walking the ENTIRETY (well, almost) of London - through Trafalgar Square, up to Buckingham Palace and through St. James' Park. We watched and cheered on cyclists completing the 'Prudential Ride' before continuing our walk to the Houses of Parliament and along the Embankment before saying goodbye at Blackfriars Station. I felt very sad saying goodbye to Abi and Nikki as I had a lovely day - and I won't be seeing them for a while. I wish them all the best for their year abroad (even though we will speak regularly, I am sure!)

When the scenery allows it, my photo taking skills aren't so bad I suppose...

This week, I also decorated the book corner in mum's classroom. The photo on the left is a slightly more 'zoomed' version - but I put my heart and soul into this! The only time I'm creative is when I'm using words so this is an achievement for me! I even included Mike VI - geux Tigers!

Mood update; The closer America gets, the grumpier I am becoming. I don't have the luxury of becoming grumpier without Snow White coming to collect me. Being worried/scared just doesn't agree with me!

Books Read; Rachel Caine's Total Eclipse - That's it, I've finished the Weather Warden series which saddens me as I do like Caine's novels for adults. I'm so glad for a happy ending considering the main character has had to face so much trauma in the past 8 books!

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