Wednesday 14 August 2013

He who is only a traveller learns things at second-hand and by the halves, and is poor authority - Henry David Thoreau

13th August 2013 - I can't believe I made it in one piece!

This is officially my first blog from the States *hurrah*

The first plane journey (NINE HOURS) was not as tedious as I thought – I watched Iron Man 3 (finally), Epic, Hitchcock & discovered the Disney movies! I finally experienced plane food for the first time – it wasn’t too tedious although how far wrong can you go with hash browns for breakfast? They kept bringing around snacks too – and unlimited free diet coke; it was like this system was made for me! The only problem I faced was the earache I received from landing – the last time I went on a plane, it was year nine, so I forgot about the popping ear thing!

Arrived to Atlanta early; and by early I had a whole hour before boarding for my connecting flight opened; and then half an hour longer as the flight was delayed getting in from North Carolina. I thought customs/immigration would take longer considering a lot of students who went to LSU yesterday missed their connecting flights, but luckily the whole process – collecting bags, showing my visa & taking my finger prints – only took an hour. While waiting, I experienced CNN & there was a piece about a glowing bunny; it’s like I’ve entered an episode of Sherlock...

Second flight...connecting flights are small aircrafts that make you feel like you're suffocating. Luckily, I sat next to a very nice American guy who offered me gum & general chit chat to make the hour flight seem well, very short.

Stepping outside into Baton Rouge was...I fail to have the words. When I was told about the humidity, I wasn't quite sure what I invisioned but I'm not sure how people actually breathe down here. It's wet! Talking of wet, as soon as a group of us got driven to the university, the thunder storms started; the lightning here is similar to the professional photos you see in geography magazines! Regardless, 5 of us (the other 4 being very nice fellow international students) were starving so we battled the elements. I ordered a small fries, I couldn't finish the small fries...

I only saw part of the campus in the dark (it was dark by 7pm) and the wet (with the flooding) but it is HUGE. We didn't even make it out of the residential area & we walked roughly 25 minutes! Shops of all kind float around this part of campus, including a bar that I only have to wait 1 month to enter into (hurray!) I hope to explore more of the campus tomorrow in the daylight and hopefully the sun!

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