Tuesday 27 August 2013

Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think - A.A.Milne

27th August 2013 - Is it the end of the year yet?

I was going to make this post a work of fiction, or rather, have a third person narrative just to add variety to this blog and to showcase my writing. However, life has gotten in the way.

The story was started - admittedly in advance - as I thought things would be fine. I couldn't be more wrong.

I've been at this two days now, and I admit defeat. I've not stopped, I've barely had time to fit in eating (today's diet has included 2 bananas & half a nutri-grain bar), my life feels like it is running at 100 miles per hour, I'm not sleeping properly and my OCD tendencies have exploded. I've also had a two day migraine which I believe is caused by the above list.

I'm waiting to settle in and for it all to settle down but now I just want to go home. Experience has taught me that I'm not a patient person.

It's not all been negative - one of my professors played TOWIE to the entire class after I'd introduced myself online using the video, two of my classes don't have any exams and the people I've met so far have been really nice. I just feel like if I needed this much stress I should be starting my dissertation at Sussex, not 'the best year of my life.'

Also, don't get me started on how much money I've spent on text books. The answer is too much and the rant about the 'not buying text books until the first day of class' is too long.

The honeymoon period is over and the hard work begins.

Two hours (and a bit) later edit: Nat & Nikki have cheered me up. I also received a postcard from mum today that has the Brighton Pavilion on the front so it has pride of place on my wall!

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