Tuesday 3 September 2013

The most glorious moments in your life are not the so-called days of success, but rather those days when out of dejection and despair you feel rise in you a challenge to life, and the promise of future accomplishments - Gustave Flaubert

3rd September 2013 - The light at the end of the tunnel kind of looks like Robinsons squash

I sort of survived my first week of college. Sort of. If you thought my blog post last Tuesday was bad, I fully exploded on Wednesday. On the bright side, that was bottom, the only way was up, I've completed reading this weekend so I'm feeling kind of on top of things. I also had pancakes for breakfast; who wouldn't feel better after pancakes for breakfast?

The feeling of betterment came on Thursday actually; I had a really good literature lesson where I managed to bring up transcendentalism and went to lunch with Charlotte, Alice & Natalie only to be joined by William and Kate.

Okay not really, but it was like they were almost there.

Friday I was driven very kindly by Katelyn, who I met first term last year when she was completing a semester at Sussex, to World Market. I have dubbed it the magical place. Why is it magical I hear you ask?

BECAUSE I FOUND SQUASH. Okay, it's not orange which is clearly the most superior flavour but it makes a change from a choice of water on one end & fizzy drinks on the other. I also treated myself to chocolate digestives, hobnobs, maltesers, a ripple & a yorkie bar. Look, I really miss British chocolate; there, I said it.

On Saturday I went to...MY FIRST AMERICAN HOUSE PARTY where the beer was absolutely terrible. I'm not even a beer person; why was I drinking beer? Turns out, I am a natural at beer pong (what hand eye co-ordination PE TEACHERS?)

Look at us all, attempting to enjoy a party... 

Today I received back my first piece of handed in work; a journal for English. I had to read it aloud as an example which was a weird feeling considering I panicked so much a week ago about handing it in. I also paid a visit to the radio station on campus today which was really interesting to see in action!

Also the greatest news ever - I'M SPENDING CHRISTMAS IN CHICAGO! Yes, the bestie (Abi for future reference) and I are spending Christmas day, in a hotel room, wondering where we can find the chance of a yorkshire pudding (nowhere) and what to actually do in the state (I'm leaving that to her) but from Christmas in Illinois to New Year in Massachusetts, it's going to be a great experience...once I've written about a million essays/assignments/journals/picture descriptions/exams/it never ends/please make it stop.

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