Sunday 15 September 2013

Make this the happiest birthday ever – Louisa May Alcott

14th September 2013 - "I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22 21"

They say you should make your 21st birthday a day to remember; the reason I won't be forgetting mine in a hurry is because it was the weirdest day of my life.

The day started off as normal (as a game day can be) - I had a birthday waffle (which is just a waffle on my birthday - think of the calories of having one of those on a regular occurrence !) and then we went to the game.

As you can see, the team were wearing a purple and gold kit today.

I had the world's biggest plastic cup ever. It would have been a beautiful moment had the coke not been flat.

This is when the day took a turn. Now, I tolerate going out - yes, being with your friends is fun BUT the places at home are always grimy and packed. They are no exception here but you have the added bonus of people smoking indoors. I finally had the gin & tonic that I'd wanted FOR A MONTH, witnessed a fight in the middle of a club, for the second time in my life had a chat up line that revolved around my glasses but this time it was from a man in black cowboy boots and danced to rap music because NOTHING ELSE WAS PLAYED. What can I say? I'd heard about Tigerland; I was warned but did I listen?

Jodie was beyond drunk and this is an important fact for the continuation of our story.

Bars close at 2am here which was weird considering that is the time at home things start to get going so we had to find a way back to campus. The taxi phone line was continually engaged and the night bus was taking longer than it should have been. What were we to do? Jodie kept singing LMFAO's 'Shots' yet she wanted to get home instantly. SO, naturally we were walked home by a Marine (I don't even know if he was training or if he was qualified or whatever) carrying one of our fellow international students over his shoulder because this guy was passed out. He gave it his best shot, he really did, but all 6 of us ended up being driven back in a truck which was the scariest experience of my life.

'Stranded in the middle of Baton Rouge & we're not quite sure what is going to happen' selfie.

To bring this birthday into its conclusion...well, it was memorable? And I'm not going to be drinking again. Ever. 

September 15th - Booked my tickets to Washington DC for fall break. So excited! I hope there isn't a hurricane now to kill my excitement and force the university to cancel the holiday!

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