Tuesday 24 September 2013

I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by - Douglas Adams

23rd September 2013 - Can someone turn the repeat switch off please?

I've not made a blog post in a week now, so just to inform you all - I am still alive (barely), I still have a lot of reading to do (understatement of my life) and I'm still surrounded by fried food (oven roasted veg? please? anyone? I'M BEGGING YOU!)

I went out again at the weekend. I know, how out of character is that? I shall tell you why - it is the only form of "break" I'm getting at present. You see, when you don't have a car, it is very very very very very hard to go anywhere down here (wait, that might be the understatement of my life) so going to a bar and enjoying a gin & tonic at the end of a hard week is worth the really tragic surroundings (perhaps).

Here, have some pictures of me enjoying life;

Yes, I am still going to football games. Also, whoever said it never rains in Death Valley is a BIG FAT LIAR and waiting in the rain for 2 hours is a terrible experience. I didn't even make it through the first quarter. My patience wore thin.

Looking relatively kept together before going out.

I don't even know what happens - I go out and my hair goes 'helllooooooo 1980s!' This humidity and I are incompatible; I think it's time we broke up. 

That's it - this, I feel, will be my life for the next few weeks I'm afraid so expect a quiet blog. Don't be sad readers - I shall leave you with something amazing. My future husband.

Thirty two years of beautifulness *sighs*

It's just criminal that we're not married already... *more sighing*

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