Monday 30 September 2013

I gave my best to the country I love, and kept my tears till he was gone - Louisa May Alcott

28th August 2013- It's moments like this I'm glad I'm in the South! 

After having 3 football games in a row, this Saturday was an away game. "I'll do a lot of work!" I said to myself, "I will plan my literature essay, I will do some reading and then I will have a relaxing evening." Instead, I did something better.

Katelyn, Natalie & I went to the LSU Rural Life Museum who were having an open day. It was lots of fun! First we looked in the museum & outside were a number of old buildings - from an old school and farmer's houses to a plantation hospital & slave houses. We went on a tractor ride (the hay we sat on was rather uncomfortable and I felt like I was going to fall off of the back!) and completed a "corn maze".

I even made a new friend today.

In the afternoon, we watched a Civil War battle re-enactment (The Battle of Baton Rouge - which was mainly a naval battle but we obviously watched the ground battle!) It was really cool as the whenever the guns were "fired", it was very smokey.

The Union Troops

The Confederate side had horses...

while the Union side had a cannon (which was SO LOUD when it went off!)

Afterwards WE WENT TO CHILIS. I don't think you realise how great this is to me. The day the chain went bust in the UK was a HORRIBLE DAY FOR ME. So, good food & good company rounded off a great day!

Yum, a tortilla chip.

I have missed this dessert :') It barely touched the sides though, with the 3 of us sharing!

I had to sadly work on my return though - that Literature essay won't plan itself! (Sunday update - I have written my literature essay, it's probably terrible.)

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