Sunday 8 September 2013

There were some memories, though, that never faded - Cassandra Clare

7th September 2013 - The day I planned an essay, got ahead in my reading and enjoyed a football game!

Tonight I experienced my first American football game. I exclude the games I have watched on television because there is NOTHING like being in the stadium, surrounded by fellow students chanting for your team to win!

At the stadium with two hours before the game was due to start; hence, empty seats!

We arrived early because we wanted to have good seats - mission a success - and luckily the cheerleaders kept us all entertained with their routines before the game started.

They threw out LSU t-shirts at the beginning of the game and guess who managed to get one? (Kindly caught by Anna because I'm tragic at these things.)

They were also really entertaining throughout the game - whenever LSU scored a touchdown (which was often), the male cheerleaders ran around with flags.

Before the game, there was a short performance by the band and colour guard, and afterwards, they even set off a few fireworks. FIREWORKS - did not realise that was even in the budget...

The Alma Mater song as well as the National Anthem are sung before the game as well.

During the game, there were a number of hand gestures/borderline dance moves that the students did matching the attempts left to run ten yards; so there was one for 1st, 2nd, etc. At first, it was all confusing as everyone obviously knew what they were doing and I felt like I stuck out a bit but they were very easy to pick up. You also had to "roar" at the other team when it was their turn on the offense to try and put them off!

I feel like I should post a picture of the actual players rather than everything else that was going on around us.


Ultimately, the first home game of the season was a success, and LSU won 56-23. I feel rather immersed in American life right now, and look forward to next Saturday for not only am I seeing another game, it will be my 21st birthday...

Why thanks for the welcome, I had a great time!

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