Sunday 6 October 2013

I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move. - Robert Louis Stevenson

5th October 2013 - How many places within state can I manage to visit?

I may have a midterm Wednesday. I may have an essay to complete tomorrow. However, that did not stop me from going to Lafayette with my room mate for what I dubbed 'road trip with the roomie' day. Cue awesome mix tape made by me (showing off the very best music Britain has to offer *coughs* McFly *coughs*), and an hour journey from Baton Rouge and we were ready to hit the open road!

I'm glad I went - I have booked flights to Massachusetts, Chicago and DC & I am planning trips to many more states yet have not even managed to leave Baton Rouge. From what I saw, the place was very much like the city I live in only smaller. We drove through Downtown which had some cool architecture choices before finding outselves at a mall.

Let me have my female moment. I have not shopped in weeks. I usually find shopping tedious and unnecessary but when I haven't done it for a while, I suddenly shop until I drop; and dropped I did. I told mum I would come home from this year abroad with 1 t-shirt, maybe 2 tops. I now have roughly fourteen and I still have another term worth of buying to follow. May need to seek therapy for my t-shirt buying obsession...

Like I could resist this.

Like I could resist this either...

Okay, this one was more of a souvenir t-shirt as we drove past the university and the stadium and the name makes me chuckle. [I say t-shirt, it's so long I'm wearing it as a dress!)
Tigers are still better mascots however.

Regardless of the trip, on my return I managed to plan an essay (which I still have no idea what I'm writing about) and wrote a journal on The Hunger Games & Catching Fire for English. I can be productive when I put my mind to it!

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