Friday 16 August 2013

There's no place like home - L. Frank Baum

15th August 2013 - Okay, home may be too strong a word to use...

After spending the first two nights in freezing cold temporary housing, waiting patiently for my bedding to arrive, on Thursday I finally moved into my 'home' for the year. It is the same layout as my temporary housing as I expected so it wasn't a big shock. It feels nice not having to live out of a suitcase! I'm the only person on the floor at the moment, apart from the RA who I bumped into as she was singing Disney songs in the corridor while decorating room doors (she didn't realise anyone had moved in.) The room has this 'college dorm' feel to it which I find adorable.

Here is my bed, which is very very squeaky - the wake you up as you turn around kind of squeaky.
Also, you couldn't tell this was my bed at all.....

I also helped Jodie (my temporary room mate & now friend) move into her apartments yesterday and we had a good half an hour conversation with the desk staff as they just wanted us to talk! They said we sounded like the Harry Potter movies which was a brilliant comparison!

Here is a close up of my desk - you can't see it in this picture, but I've bought my Declaration of Independence & Constitution book with me!

Jet lag is still affecting me. Although I'm going to sleep at a reasonable time, I'm still waking up at five in the morning. I wonder when my body clock will get back to normal as I pray it's before classes start.

This is the view from my window; it's so green & lovely here (probably from all the rain!)

Let me take this final paragraph to discuss the food. As the meal plan does not kick in until next week sometime (I hope), I'm having to eat out. I can feel my thighs getting bigger by the mouthful. The portion sizes are impossibly large (I can't get over the fact coke bottles are bigger here and SO MUCH CHEAPER - as if feeding my addiction needed to be helped! Although I have drunk a lot of water since being here so you'll be pleased to know I'm trying to cut down mum!); I am feeling so wasteful leaving so much food. In search of something not fried or greasy, I ended up paying $6.50 for a sandwich but my goodness it felt good not to eat something that makes me feel sluggish afterwards. The deliciousness of the food so far though, can not be faulted. Luckily, Jodie had moved into the apartments on campus meaning she has her own kitchen - so instead of eating out, we're going to split the food bill & cook!

The RAs decorate the room doors according to their own style - I'm finding ours adorable!

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