Friday 9 August 2013

Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday 5th August 2013-Thursday 8th August 2013 - I've eaten too much chocolate.

MondayAfter getting through the debacle that was the Eurostar check which we finally got on the train 2 minutes before it's departure, after RUNNING with suitcase, we were on our way to Bruges! It took hardly any time at all!

We dropped our bags off at the hotel and explored Bruges city centre. We went on a canal ride, which was really pretty, especially in the hot weather. The man driving the boat was also funny!

You know what else was really pretty....the buildings! Honestly, what did you think I was going to say?

We went for a walk afrwards and stopped off for chocolate cake - I consider myself a cake conosiour and let me tell you, this really was excellent cake! The amount of chocolate shops were unbelievable! Walking around town is a health hazard through - what with the mopeds that can drive on the pavement and the horses with carriages; you really have to watch your step. 

They were rather adorable...if you look past the fact they are BIG SCARY HORSES.

For dinner, I had 'flemish stew' which was amazing and served to me by a very attractive man (yes, I know I have problems...)

Nope, I am not a big beer drinker but I thought I'd get into the spirit, try some of mum's drink and confirm the fact that I am not even a little beer drinker.

As we've been up since 5am(!!), we spent the evening in the hotel. Flemish adverts are rather funny (however, I found a channel that played South Park so it wasn't too bad.)

Tuesday Woke up this morning and realised I've been slightly sunburnt - it's a good job it was overcast today. We took a double decker train (best experience ever) into Brussels where we ended up wandering aimlessly before mum tried yet another beer wheras I had a refreshing ice tea. 

The Grand Place in Brussels; we overlooked this while we stopped for a drink.

We returned to Bruges for dinner - but before hand we got chocolate dipped strawberries and bought flaked chocoate truffles. Had probably the best steak I've ever eaten and had a few of mum's mussels (although dipping the chips in the white wine & cream sauce is always the best part!)

Wednesday We did that 'wandering' thing again so rewarded ourselves with a coffee break where I FINALLY had a Belgian Waffle actually in Belgian rather than in a restaurant in Romford.

 It was very good (and sort of healthy as I also asked for stawberries.) 

The coffee was also served with this panna cotta(ery) cinnamon(ey) type dessert thing which was yummy! Today was the day we bought some presents for the family and there was a market in the town centre we had a peruse round. The rain meant our walk around a park was rather soggy.

Making the rain look glamorous one photograph at a time.

I bought a pair of shoes that made me weak at the knees (soon to be replaced by weak at the ankles as I am yet to master walking in heels!) I had chicken for dinner - again, an excellent choice. I seem to choose great restaurants...not to blow my own trumpet or anything but you know. Finished the evening with a glass of wine and found TOWIE on TV - I can't believe they show it here!

Thursday Our last morning meant we explored the town for one last time & bought chocolates to take home. Just to make sure we didn't have a repeat situation with the trains, we made sure we had plenty of time to get wasn't until we reached Liverpool Street that getting to Gidea Park was a problem. 

I met up with Lauren & Molly the Sunday before I went on holiday for cocktails and dessert (great combination, I know!), and we had a good ol' gossip too. Made it home just in time for the 12th Doctor to be revealed. I can't express my excitement enough that Peter Capaldi is number 12 - I LOVE HIS ACTING. So looking forward to what he brings to the role; my love for Doctor Who has been renewed!

Books Read; J K Rowling's The Casual Vacancy - Blimey, Rowling sure can write some depressing stuff. I don't think it deserved the slating it got from some reviewers. It's very different from the world of Harry Potter so I don't feel it can be compared. I enjoyed it, even if the entire thing made me feel sad.

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