Tuesday 27 August 2013

Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think - A.A.Milne

27th August 2013 - Is it the end of the year yet?

I was going to make this post a work of fiction, or rather, have a third person narrative just to add variety to this blog and to showcase my writing. However, life has gotten in the way.

The story was started - admittedly in advance - as I thought things would be fine. I couldn't be more wrong.

I've been at this two days now, and I admit defeat. I've not stopped, I've barely had time to fit in eating (today's diet has included 2 bananas & half a nutri-grain bar), my life feels like it is running at 100 miles per hour, I'm not sleeping properly and my OCD tendencies have exploded. I've also had a two day migraine which I believe is caused by the above list.

I'm waiting to settle in and for it all to settle down but now I just want to go home. Experience has taught me that I'm not a patient person.

It's not all been negative - one of my professors played TOWIE to the entire class after I'd introduced myself online using the video, two of my classes don't have any exams and the people I've met so far have been really nice. I just feel like if I needed this much stress I should be starting my dissertation at Sussex, not 'the best year of my life.'

Also, don't get me started on how much money I've spent on text books. The answer is too much and the rant about the 'not buying text books until the first day of class' is too long.

The honeymoon period is over and the hard work begins.

Two hours (and a bit) later edit: Nat & Nikki have cheered me up. I also received a postcard from mum today that has the Brighton Pavilion on the front so it has pride of place on my wall!

Thursday 22 August 2013

Not all those who wander are lost - J.R.R. Tolkien

17th August 2013 - 21st August 2013 - The 'most exercise I've ever done in my life' week.

Saturday - Today the international students (only if they wanted to) were taken to the State Capital building where we were given a guided tour. We were taken to the House of Representatives & The Senate, and also shown the place where Governor Huey Long was assassinated in 1935. It was both cool & eerie at the same time - especially as the bullets had made marks on the marble columns close by. It was really pretty inside - lots of statues and highly decorative ceilings. 

Here is the building from a distance - it is the largest State Capital building in the United States which is a fun fact I learnt!

This is standing at the entrance of the building & looking upwards (obviously)

This is the House of Representatives....

and this is the Senate.

We were also driven to the Southern University which had a great view of the Mississippi River and is apparently the original site of the 'red stick' which gave Baton Rouge its name. Finally, by right of passage, we were taken to Wal-Mart where I discovered just how many cans of diet coke I could buy for so little... The International Cultural Centre provided us with lunch where I had my first taste of jambalaya which was really yummy, and a lot stodgier than I imagined it to be. I spent a rather enjoyable evening with friends and on returning to my room, I met two of the girls who live down the corridor who are here for the sorority rush (I asked them to explain what that was!) I also got asked adorable questions - like if I liked the Beatles and what the 'Royal Baby fever' was like at home.

Sunday - Alice, Charlotte & I attempted to go swimming only to find out that the pool opened at stupid times on a Sunday (evidently, early morning swims to wake you up are not a thing here). Afterwards, a group of us went food shopping as we are all fed up of having to eat out.

We may be fed up of eating out but that was no excuse to not try beignets! I felt like I was in The Princess & The Frog!

I also ended up buying a large photo frame to put my pictures in because they are all curling due to the air-con. I've also gone 3 days now without hot water - showering in the cold is not fun at all. You may think it would be nice considering the hot weather but it really, really isn't. I've already put in a complaint - looks like another is due (and here you see an English person living up to their moaning stereotype...)

Monday - After failing to be successful at swimming yesterday, today we succeeded! It was a nice sized pool, and it was relatively empty so I got my own lane! On the way back, I came across the world's smallest lizard which I feel like I had to blog about because that has never happened to me before!! You're welcome. The afternoon we went on a tour of half of the campus which took two hours - note to everyone, NEVER GO ON A CAMPUS TOUR ON THE HOTTEST DAY YOU'VE EVER EXPERIENCED.

We gave the drivers passing by a good show anyway.

I can't get this close to the real Mike VI, so there is this instead.

A view of campus lake -it's so pretty here.

I just want to share my love for the Barnes & Noble on campus - not only is it HUGE but it sells fiction books. Yes, this may be very bad for my bank balance, and my willpower to not buy books for the year, but they have deals I just can't resist.

For example, this was on sale and how could I resist? 

The displays in the shop are unreal as well!

Tuesday - After attending yet another orientation; Alice, Charlotte & I decided to take a tour of the other half of campus (because we failed on our quest to use public transport to go to the mall as it is THAT unreliable) and actually visit Mike [it's only taken us a week!] He lives right around the corner from my accommodation so I'm not sure why I haven't visited sooner but I obviously will again. I've also discovered today that you get given two cookies in Subway. I can barely even eat one after the sandwich, but no, you get two.

View of the stadium - really want to watch some football games here!


See, I couldn't resist it this time....

A nice picture for once!

Wednesday - Started the day with yet more swimming (I will be regular with exercise, I will!) before I went to a meeting about my 'informal international ambassador' role - it sounds like a lot of fun! This afternoon, I met up with my 'buddy' Sally [the person LSU paired me with] and her friend Gabby who took me to the mall. I had to buy a mattress protector to dull the sound of the WORLD'S LOUDEST MATTRESS that I currently have to sleep on but I bought a little something else too...

So I'm all 'when in Rome' even though I'm in Louisiana.
It's like I've ticked something off my life bucket list!!!

Friday 16 August 2013

There's no place like home - L. Frank Baum

15th August 2013 - Okay, home may be too strong a word to use...

After spending the first two nights in freezing cold temporary housing, waiting patiently for my bedding to arrive, on Thursday I finally moved into my 'home' for the year. It is the same layout as my temporary housing as I expected so it wasn't a big shock. It feels nice not having to live out of a suitcase! I'm the only person on the floor at the moment, apart from the RA who I bumped into as she was singing Disney songs in the corridor while decorating room doors (she didn't realise anyone had moved in.) The room has this 'college dorm' feel to it which I find adorable.

Here is my bed, which is very very squeaky - the wake you up as you turn around kind of squeaky.
Also, you couldn't tell this was my bed at all.....

I also helped Jodie (my temporary room mate & now friend) move into her apartments yesterday and we had a good half an hour conversation with the desk staff as they just wanted us to talk! They said we sounded like the Harry Potter movies which was a brilliant comparison!

Here is a close up of my desk - you can't see it in this picture, but I've bought my Declaration of Independence & Constitution book with me!

Jet lag is still affecting me. Although I'm going to sleep at a reasonable time, I'm still waking up at five in the morning. I wonder when my body clock will get back to normal as I pray it's before classes start.

This is the view from my window; it's so green & lovely here (probably from all the rain!)

Let me take this final paragraph to discuss the food. As the meal plan does not kick in until next week sometime (I hope), I'm having to eat out. I can feel my thighs getting bigger by the mouthful. The portion sizes are impossibly large (I can't get over the fact coke bottles are bigger here and SO MUCH CHEAPER - as if feeding my addiction needed to be helped! Although I have drunk a lot of water since being here so you'll be pleased to know I'm trying to cut down mum!); I am feeling so wasteful leaving so much food. In search of something not fried or greasy, I ended up paying $6.50 for a sandwich but my goodness it felt good not to eat something that makes me feel sluggish afterwards. The deliciousness of the food so far though, can not be faulted. Luckily, Jodie had moved into the apartments on campus meaning she has her own kitchen - so instead of eating out, we're going to split the food bill & cook!

The RAs decorate the room doors according to their own style - I'm finding ours adorable!

Wednesday 14 August 2013

He who is only a traveller learns things at second-hand and by the halves, and is poor authority - Henry David Thoreau

13th August 2013 - I can't believe I made it in one piece!

This is officially my first blog from the States *hurrah*

The first plane journey (NINE HOURS) was not as tedious as I thought – I watched Iron Man 3 (finally), Epic, Hitchcock & discovered the Disney movies! I finally experienced plane food for the first time – it wasn’t too tedious although how far wrong can you go with hash browns for breakfast? They kept bringing around snacks too – and unlimited free diet coke; it was like this system was made for me! The only problem I faced was the earache I received from landing – the last time I went on a plane, it was year nine, so I forgot about the popping ear thing!

Arrived to Atlanta early; and by early I had a whole hour before boarding for my connecting flight opened; and then half an hour longer as the flight was delayed getting in from North Carolina. I thought customs/immigration would take longer considering a lot of students who went to LSU yesterday missed their connecting flights, but luckily the whole process – collecting bags, showing my visa & taking my finger prints – only took an hour. While waiting, I experienced CNN & there was a piece about a glowing bunny; it’s like I’ve entered an episode of Sherlock...

Second flight...connecting flights are small aircrafts that make you feel like you're suffocating. Luckily, I sat next to a very nice American guy who offered me gum & general chit chat to make the hour flight seem well, very short.

Stepping outside into Baton Rouge was...I fail to have the words. When I was told about the humidity, I wasn't quite sure what I invisioned but I'm not sure how people actually breathe down here. It's wet! Talking of wet, as soon as a group of us got driven to the university, the thunder storms started; the lightning here is similar to the professional photos you see in geography magazines! Regardless, 5 of us (the other 4 being very nice fellow international students) were starving so we battled the elements. I ordered a small fries, I couldn't finish the small fries...

I only saw part of the campus in the dark (it was dark by 7pm) and the wet (with the flooding) but it is HUGE. We didn't even make it out of the residential area & we walked roughly 25 minutes! Shops of all kind float around this part of campus, including a bar that I only have to wait 1 month to enter into (hurray!) I hope to explore more of the campus tomorrow in the daylight and hopefully the sun!

Friday 9 August 2013

It is the working man who is the happy man. It is the idle man who is the miserable man - Benjamin Franklin

3rd July - 9th August 2013 - At last, an opportunity!

This holiday, I did not wish to sit in front of my laptop as I do for the rest of the year; I wanted to be a productive member of society. By productive member of society, I mean that I wished to gain some voluntary work somewhere in order to decide what I want to do for the rest of my life. Doing a masters in Literature is a nice idea, but at present, I feel a nice idea is all it is. Back to the drawing board (or the internet) and I discovered the Benjamin Franklin House in London - I didn't even realise it existed until June when I sent in my CV but one interview later, and I've been given an opportunity.

I'm going to miss this little house with the creepy back room that I didn't like walking through because I was convinced it was haunted.

My role included a number of things - mostly customer interaction, which was fun, and I gave introductory talks for the shows; I now know a lot more about Ben Franklin than I ever got taught in Foundations of America in first year of university!! I kind of wish to visit Philidelphia now and go to the Franklin Institute - we'll see how next year plans out (if not, I can alway travel back there in the future!)

I have met so many lovely tourists - whenever they had an American accent, I would ask where they were from. There was such a range! I met people from Massachusetts, Pennyslvania, California, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Texas...I met one person from Louisiana but I ended up having the 'love purple, live gold' conversation with the couple from Mississippi instead! 

The house itself was lovely - lots of original features, even if it is unfurnished but you really do feel like you've stepped back in time. There was one room that gave me the heebie-jeebies though; walking through that in the dark is not a pleasant experience for me. The only downside, not for the visitors but for the staff, SO MANY STAIRS TO CLIMB UNTIL THE TOP FLOOR. You actually need to catch your breath when you get up them! Those stairs...will not be missed. The people I worked with will however - such lovely people, and I wish my fellow volunteers all the best for the future.

The last day, I went to The Sherlock Holmes Pub (can't believe it had been so close this entire time & I only just visited it!) and fangirled a little bit, because hey, Sherlock Holmes & then met up with the family for my last night in London for a year.

One younger sister...the other was ILL apparently. It's okay Amelia, I saved you the embarrassing photograph taken...

Here a picture of my other not so little sister with my NEW AMERICA HAIR.

On a final note, at the end of the road I worked on, is this. I fangirled really hard. Who'd have thought?

(Jessie takes the credit for this photo!)

Books Read; Blood Prophecy by Alxyandra Harvey - I finished the book series, which saddened me. Yet, I enjoyed the book and it's happy ending as it wasn't a pushed, lovey-dovey one. It was just a promise of happiness.

Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday 5th August 2013-Thursday 8th August 2013 - I've eaten too much chocolate.

MondayAfter getting through the debacle that was the Eurostar check in...in which we finally got on the train 2 minutes before it's departure, after RUNNING with suitcase, we were on our way to Bruges! It took hardly any time at all!

We dropped our bags off at the hotel and explored Bruges city centre. We went on a canal ride, which was really pretty, especially in the hot weather. The man driving the boat was also funny!

You know what else was really pretty....the buildings! Honestly, what did you think I was going to say?

We went for a walk afrwards and stopped off for chocolate cake - I consider myself a cake conosiour and let me tell you, this really was excellent cake! The amount of chocolate shops were unbelievable! Walking around town is a health hazard through - what with the mopeds that can drive on the pavement and the horses with carriages; you really have to watch your step. 

They were rather adorable...if you look past the fact they are BIG SCARY HORSES.

For dinner, I had 'flemish stew' which was amazing and served to me by a very attractive man (yes, I know I have problems...)

Nope, I am not a big beer drinker but I thought I'd get into the spirit, try some of mum's drink and confirm the fact that I am not even a little beer drinker.

As we've been up since 5am(!!), we spent the evening in the hotel. Flemish adverts are rather funny (however, I found a channel that played South Park so it wasn't too bad.)

Tuesday Woke up this morning and realised I've been slightly sunburnt - it's a good job it was overcast today. We took a double decker train (best experience ever) into Brussels where we ended up wandering aimlessly before mum tried yet another beer wheras I had a refreshing ice tea. 

The Grand Place in Brussels; we overlooked this while we stopped for a drink.

We returned to Bruges for dinner - but before hand we got chocolate dipped strawberries and bought flaked chocoate truffles. Had probably the best steak I've ever eaten and had a few of mum's mussels (although dipping the chips in the white wine & cream sauce is always the best part!)

Wednesday We did that 'wandering' thing again so rewarded ourselves with a coffee break where I FINALLY had a Belgian Waffle actually in Belgian rather than in a restaurant in Romford.

 It was very good (and sort of healthy as I also asked for stawberries.) 

The coffee was also served with this panna cotta(ery) cinnamon(ey) type dessert thing which was yummy! Today was the day we bought some presents for the family and there was a market in the town centre we had a peruse round. The rain meant our walk around a park was rather soggy.

Making the rain look glamorous one photograph at a time.

I bought a pair of shoes that made me weak at the knees (soon to be replaced by weak at the ankles as I am yet to master walking in heels!) I had chicken for dinner - again, an excellent choice. I seem to choose great restaurants...not to blow my own trumpet or anything but you know. Finished the evening with a glass of wine and found TOWIE on TV - I can't believe they show it here!

Thursday Our last morning meant we explored the town for one last time & bought chocolates to take home. Just to make sure we didn't have a repeat situation with the trains, we made sure we had plenty of time to get home...it wasn't until we reached Liverpool Street that getting to Gidea Park was a problem. 

I met up with Lauren & Molly the Sunday before I went on holiday for cocktails and dessert (great combination, I know!), and we had a good ol' gossip too. Made it home just in time for the 12th Doctor to be revealed. I can't express my excitement enough that Peter Capaldi is number 12 - I LOVE HIS ACTING. So looking forward to what he brings to the role; my love for Doctor Who has been renewed!

Books Read; J K Rowling's The Casual Vacancy - Blimey, Rowling sure can write some depressing stuff. I don't think it deserved the slating it got from some reviewers. It's very different from the world of Harry Potter so I don't feel it can be compared. I enjoyed it, even if the entire thing made me feel sad.

Saturday 3 August 2013

I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being- Oscar Wilde

Saturday 3rd August 2013 - The day Abi screamed like a girl because of a pigeon.

Last night I went to a house party - thanks to the lovely Carrie for not only inviting me but for letting me stay the night too because I would not have made it home from North London!

A break from dancing presents a photo opportunity!

I drank more than I wanted to - alas, PEER PRESSURE and ate something called 'rummy bears' - which are basically gummy bears soaked in rum (ew) for more than an hour. Although as the party continued, vodka also got added to the sweets... I also drank Hendricks Gin which is my FAVOURITE GIN EVER - tonic & a slice of cucumber makes everything better.

We decided to sit at the bottom of the garden, but then I was left alone as people went to get more alcohol. I ended up playing Bejeweled(best game ever) and it turns out, when I'm tipsy and sitting in a garden, I like to quote bits of Thoreau's Walden

This morning, I had to make my way from North London to Waterloo - bit of a challenge but after getting a bus to Highgate Station, it wasn't too tragic from there. Firstly, we went for lunch and then we had frozen yoghurt - one of those build it yourself yoghurts; strawberry, grape and vanilla flavour with good toppings. I say good toppings, this excludes Abi's side as she put some liquorice sweets on it. Then comes the walking - through Covent Garden, through Soho (where we stopped for Bubble Tea - I refuse to admit how obsessed I am with that stuff!) and onto the theatre to see The 39 Steps in Piccadilly Circus. All three of us fell momentarily in love with the man who took our tickets. Well, when you get paid a compliment, it's hard not to!

I really enjoyed this play - it was very clever and considering it was only a cast of four, they were all excellent! Parts were funny yet parts made Abi jump (not hard, she jumps at everything). It's also a short production so there were no parts that dragged or I felt bored during. The man who played main character Richard Hannay reminded me of Laurence Olivier.

We continued our tradition of walking the ENTIRETY (well, almost) of London - through Trafalgar Square, up to Buckingham Palace and through St. James' Park. We watched and cheered on cyclists completing the 'Prudential Ride' before continuing our walk to the Houses of Parliament and along the Embankment before saying goodbye at Blackfriars Station. I felt very sad saying goodbye to Abi and Nikki as I had a lovely day - and I won't be seeing them for a while. I wish them all the best for their year abroad (even though we will speak regularly, I am sure!)

When the scenery allows it, my photo taking skills aren't so bad I suppose...

This week, I also decorated the book corner in mum's classroom. The photo on the left is a slightly more 'zoomed' version - but I put my heart and soul into this! The only time I'm creative is when I'm using words so this is an achievement for me! I even included Mike VI - geux Tigers!

Mood update; The closer America gets, the grumpier I am becoming. I don't have the luxury of becoming grumpier without Snow White coming to collect me. Being worried/scared just doesn't agree with me!

Books Read; Rachel Caine's Total Eclipse - That's it, I've finished the Weather Warden series which saddens me as I do like Caine's novels for adults. I'm so glad for a happy ending considering the main character has had to face so much trauma in the past 8 books!