Wednesday 14 May 2014

Promise me you'll never forget me because if I thought you would, I'd never leave – A. A. Milne

12th May 2014 - The End?
I looked back at my post on Sussex to see what I wrote. I mentioned I was sad about leaving but I wasn't too distraught probably because I knew I will be going back. I can't say that for LSU. Of course I want to come back but realistically I'm not sure when that will be.

I often say I thank Sussex for giving me a new perspective on life - I wasn't happy when I left sixth form and I credit my time at Sussex for making me a happier person. Happier, not completely happy. I still heavily doubted myself and my abilities. The point is, I'm surprised I didn't write anything more sentimental about it.

The best room mate I could have possibly asked for!

My journey brought me here - to LSU - and I have never been happier. I should credit the place; a beautiful campus with such glorious sunshine. It is true; everyone is happier when the sun is shining. I've loved my classes, the professors have been amazing & the food has been yummy(although that diner....) 

The Three Musketeers

Most importantly, I would like to thank the people. Strangers are really friendly and helpful here so going back to London shall be interesting!! But it is the friends I have made - this small but special group of people have made me feel very comfortable and loved and whether American or English, you are truly truly wonderful, spectacular people and I wish you all the best in life.

Greek Theatre a.k.a. that part where they party on Pitch Perfect.

We bonded over a Disney Princess notebook in an English class. Jono; I wish you and Celina all the happiness for the future!!

I have changed from when I first arrived in August and it was a much needed & good change. So thanks LSU - thank you for the best year of my life!! Geaux Tigers! #lplg

Emotions over; I went to a crawfish boil! It was really weird at first, to be greeted with a plate full of unpeeled shellfish but if I wanted to try, I had to gather up some courage!

The portion sizes were stereotypically Southern! I couldn't even eat half!

You had to pull the heads off and break into the tails. The whole thing was messy and took about 5 minutes just to eat one!

But they were so adorable! 

And so, my last Louisiana blog post comes to an end. Not that I am biased, but this is the best state in the country ;) West Coast here I come!!

End of year update: I made 4 more As this term as well. Going home with a 4.0 GPA; yes please!! 

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