Monday 26 May 2014

Dean's California--wild, sweaty, important, the land of lonely andexiled and eccentric lovers come to forgather like birds, and the landwhere everybody somehow looked like broken-down, handsome, decadentmovie actors - Jack Kerouac

Monday 12th May 2014 - Thursday 22nd May 2014 - California Girls, we're unforgettable.

Monday (12th) - The journey to Orange County was horrific. Arrived at Baton Rouge airport to find out my flight had been delayed an hour. Wouldn't have been a problem if my connection hadn't had been only 36 minutes after landing in Houston. Automatically missed that flight. Put on standby for the next flight at 9pm. I was given a seat, an upgrade at that; I had so much leg room I didn't know what to DO with myself! 9pm passed. So did 10, and 11, and 12am. The weather was awful. By 12.30am, it was announced our flight was ready to leave but was being redirected to LAX. Arrived at 2:45am California time, 4:45am Louisiana time. Hour bus. Half an hour taxi. Got to hotel room at 5am California time, 7am Louisiana time after paying $50 for the privilege.

Stranded at Houston selfie!

Tuesday (13th) - I may have been running on complete lack of sleep but nothing would stop my enjoyment of Disney! On this day a month ago, I was in Florida; this is impressive not obsessive!! I had heard the park wasn't very big but I was still surprised at how small it was. Did not mean it was any less enjoyable; there were some different rides here (but It's a Small World was closed much to our disappointment!) The weather was nice too - hot without the Louisiana humidity; a perfect day to be at the original Disney park!

Beautiful day, beautiful view. The castle was a lot smaller than I thought!

Pre Splash Mountain photograph. Tip; if you want to go on a water ride but don't fancy getting wet, just go on with me. I seem to attract the water. I was SOAKED.

I met the God of Thunder, the mighty Thor. He was adorable with his English/American/Australian hybrid accent!!

Wednesday (14th) - Yesterday was Magic Kingdom & today was Disney's California Adventure. The weather was even hotter than yesterday so walking was a struggle! There didn't appear to be as many rides in this park; as a result the queues were longer!!

Waiting for the World of Color!

I have been wanting to see World of Color for years. In fact, it is the only reason I wished to visit Disneyland here. It was everything I could have dreamed of and more; I got goosebumps & was tearful!! 

In line for the Cars rollercoaster - was my favourite ride in the park!

Thursday (15th) - Early start to get the train to LA! The weather just seems to get hotter every day; we didn't let that stop us! We had a sneaky peak of the Hollywood sign, walked along the Walk of Fame (practically the entire thing) and saw the Chinese Theatre.

Hmmm...this sign looks familiar...

Took us ages to find the Laurence Olivier star.

Friday (16th) - Spent the morning in Melrose Place. Like much of LA so far, it was disappointing. I was expecting it to look a lot nicer than a did. Nothing a cupcake couldn't fix however! 

A bit heavy on the icing but overall it got my seal of approval!

Spent the afternoon with LSU buddies who happen to be here as well - can't even spend a few days away from them without getting withdrawal symptoms!

Saturday (17th) - I feel like my time in LA so far has been disappointing. The image you get projected in the media is nothing like the real thing but today I really enjoyed!

Casually standing with a certain sign.

We went to the Griffith Observatory today - lovely views of LA. Met up with Nikki (Sussex Nikki) while there. Afterwards we went to In-N-Out Burger because that is something one should do on the West Coast. It was worth it; it was a great burger! In the afternoon, we went along Sunset Boulevard to the Sunset Strip & along Rodeo Drive. Never have I felt more out of place!! I would happily spend an afternoon there people watching - such characters!!

Not even sure what we were laughing at, but I liked the picture!

Sunday (18th) - We spent today relaxing at Santa Monica beach before walking down to Venice. I enjoyed Santa Monica beach. Yes, I may have got a little sunburnt even though I was wearing factor 50 but the place was pretty. 

My face whenever I'm made to go to a sandy beach.

Venice was another story. It just creeped me out. Story of my time here in LA!!

Monday (19th) - One flight to San Fran later & we had arrived! Because we arrived later in the day, all we had time for was to explore the Japanese Tea Gardens. They were absolutely beautiful. I felt my inner Thoreau appear!

Not that I consider myself a photographer in the slightest...!


The holiday of the selfie!

Tuesday (20th)- One cannot go to San Francisco without going to see the Golden Gate Bridge...

So we did.

Then Abi made us walk roughly 4 miles to Ghirardelli Square which smelt rather nicely of chocolate. Afterwards (and almost one heart attack later after those hills), we went to Lombard Street. It is supposedly famous & according to Abi I was supposed to recognise it but I didn't.

I've posted the picture for you, the unfortunate reader to see if I'm just being ignorant here!

Finally, we explored China Town and had dinner on Fisherman's Wharf. Oh! We visited City Lights Bookstore as well today; famous for publishing Allen Ginsberg's Howl *groaning noise*. It was a very kooky bookstore with so much of the Hernandez Brothers' work - it's a shame I couldn't buy anything there as I couldn't get it home. That will teach me for overpacking my carry on suitcase!

Wednesday (21st) - Today has to have been my favourite day in both LA & San Fran. First, we went to Alcatraz. It was so interesting (following along via audio tour) but the sound effects made things even creepier.

View from the boat.

Cheeky post Alcatraz selfie

Afterwards, we walked around Pier 39 to find the sea lions.

I couldn't quite believe how many there were. They were loud and they were smelly but watching them fight and push one another off was rather funny. And of course, they were adorable.

Finally, we went to the Walt Disney Family Museum. I LOVED this place! It was so well done - starting with baby Walt and ending with the impact of his death (I had to test my 'don't cry in public' face!) I really liked the part exploring Disneyland - you walked into the room and there was a model of what Walt Disney imagined the place to look like.

Thursday (22nd) - This brings to a close my adventures in California. Although I enjoyed myself, I haven't a desire to return to LA although I would pay another visit to San Francisco. Onwards now to Portland!

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