Sunday 6 April 2014

Of all the hardships a person had to face, none was more punishing than the simple act of waiting - Khaled Hosseini

Saturday 5th April 2014 -So begins the longest week of my life... 

One week; a Sunday and five days of classes stands between me and a ten hour drive to Orlando, Florida for Spring Break to begin. 21 years and I will finally have stepped foot in Walt Disney World.

What have I been doing since the month I last blogged? (I can't believe it's been a month - how time flies!!) Well, work mostly. I've had reading, essays, midterms and presentations. However, I have had the ocassional chance to have fun....

It was a friend's birthday & it also happened to be the night a frat threw a neon light inspired event at the same bar; hence the ears!

That isn't alcohol in my hand, it' juice!

Nikki 'wing woman/spirit animal' Grant and I!

What can I say? I have definitely become a more confident person on this year abroad and just happier with myself. Or perhaps that is just the effects of discovering alcohol!!

Today (Saturday) was our last time in Tiger Stadium for the spring game. My time in there has to be one of the best moments here at LSU and I'm really going to miss the atmosphere of the place.

Before we were distracted by the team walking into the stadium in front of us!!

Finally. course choices have gone up for next year. Am I surprised about the lack of choice? No. They've taken the Herman Melville course away from me which devastates me but they've replaced that course with one on Edgar Allan Poe. All lecturers are a surprise as is how the courses are assessed- let's see how final year goes!!! 

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