Thursday 6 March 2014

But during all these years I had a vague but persistent desire to return to New Orleans. I never forgot New Orleans - Anne Rice

Saturday 1st March - Tuesday 4th March 2014 - Laissez les bons temps rouler!

It's a thing to tick off your bucket list isn't it? Spend Mardi Gras in New Orleans! So many pictures were taken and because I couldn't choose which ones I liked the best, this blog will be told through the medium of pictures!

3am start to catch the 5am bus. Only we didn't manage to get a seat until 7am because the buses that turned up were all full. One of the guys who worked at the station realised we were British and the questions we were asked made my jaw personal favourite - 'is there 7 days a week in Britain?'

When we had arrived and dropped off our stuff, it was time for the parade watching to start!! The weather was beautiful, beads were flying from all directions (watch your head) and the parades were really great to look at!

Post parade - in case you are wondering why I don't appear to have many beads, I only wore the special ones because I felt too claustrophobic with them all around my neck! I caught many!

Nikki and I waiting for Endymion to start. We waited HOURS to catch a glimpse of Ian Somerhalder (and catch a cup for Nikki - SHE WAS SUCCESSFUL!) Practising my pulling face in the mean time.

Parade in process, time for a cheeky snap. Jodie showing off every single one of her beads whereas I'm keeping it simple.

Sunday and we went on a tourist mission. The French Quarter was really pretty & we explored the market. I also bought myself a Mardi Gras t-shirt.

Time for the Bacchus Parade on Sunday evening - not only was Hugh Laurie throwing beads, but Quentin Tarantino was in the balcony behind him!

Afterwards, we went for food. The gumbo was good and I tried some of Nikki's fried alligator (so chewy!) We had cocktails (mine was a Cran-Apple Martini) and we all decided the waiter was adorable! It had gone midnight by the time we left - and it was time for us to hit BOURBON STREET. It was mental. I met my first ever Canadian however - he lived up to the whole friendly stereotype they've got going on as well as saying 'about' in the GREATEST way.

No pictures were taken Monday during the day but we watched a parade in the evening (the temperature had dropped back down to 3 degrees so I had no desire to stay out for too long).  I have finally gone to IHOP as well - so many chocolate good. Here is us pre-drinking, and I am modelling Nat's bra. It's Mardi Gras; why not?

Tuesday morning was even colder than yesterday, plus we had the added bonus of rain! We went to Zulu and I caught a crown. I apologise for my appearance in this photo - the rain doesn't treat anyone kindly! After we checked out, Megan's dad kindly drove us home so thankfully we didn't have to get the bus!

I plan to go back to New Orleans before the year is out when it is less busy because it is a lovely city; with a great history behind it, I plan to explore more!

To finish, here is a picture of me with Mike. He came up to the window while having a swim and stayed there for a bit - such an adorable mascot! 

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