Wednesday 29 January 2014

A snowball in the face is surely the perfect beginning to a lasting friendship - Markus Zusak

28th January 2014 - Do you want to build a snowman?

Supposedly my second semester at LSU has started. I say supposedly because I am yet to have a full week. The first week started on a Wednesday, last week gave us Monday off for MLK day & Friday for a 'snow day,' and this week we've had today off AND we're getting tomorrow off - again, due to icy conditions!! It is rather funny to see the reaction here to cold weather! I thought England was unprepared for the cold (I am aware that this weather is very unusual for the state but still!!)

Apart from the disjointed weeks in which I'm finding it hard to get motivated to do any work (I have discovered 30 Rock on Netflix and frankly, it is brilliant and would much rather watch that), the classes I have had have been good! 
  1. Tudor England is a course by the same professor I had for Stuart England and I enjoyed that so much I decided to travel back in time.
  2. Science Fiction & American History - it is only once a week so I've only had one class but we had to read War of the Worlds and I'm so happy to finally have the excuse to read some H.G.Wells.
  3. Women in 19th Century America - I've not had a class for that yet as the professor has been ill but the reading I have to do is interesting!!
  4. Comic Books & Graphic Novels of the 1980s - the professor is funny and rather adorable and he got the seal of approval when I noticed he had a copy of Walden in his office. Anyway, some of the books we have to read look weird, some look like classics but I'm excited! I get to read Maus - once more, finally an excuse to read this!
Socially, I've been doing....well. I've been out every weekend so far (WHAT IS THIS?) and because this is my blog, I hold the right to not expand on this! :D But below are some pictures of non-bar activities I associate myself with!!

I have discovered I'm terrible at bowling without the barriers (you can only have those if you're under 7).

We watched the gymnastics.

And I played a very tense game of Jenga with Nikki. Oh the lifestyles of the rich & famous.

Anyway, I hope to find my motivation soon as I feel it is needed. I have booked Spring Break - WALT DISNEY WORLD & UNIVERSAL STUDIOS - so it's nice to have something to work towards!

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