Friday 29 November 2013

I am grateful for what I am and have - Henry David Thoreau

25th November 2013 - 28th November 2013 - Thanksgiving week!!!

Monday - I saw Catching Fire. It was very close to the book, so I'm impressed! 

Tuesday - Went to 'Friendsgiving' at Jono's house. It was 'bring your own dish' so naturally, I made yorkshire puddings (as I miss eating them so badly.) Even though it wasn't 'cooking' as such, I realised how much I have missed this activity (had to be careful how I worded that - putting "I have missed being in the kitchen" opens me up to stereotyping!!!) I tried American biscuits which are basically just scones. Also witnessed sweet potato mash with marshmallows on the top - it looked and smelt revolting; no way was I even going to try it!

Wednesday - Went to see Frozen today!! Haven't seen a Disney film in the cinema since Tangled came out so naturally, I was very excited. It was amazing - the detail was spectacular, it was hilarious and the music was great (however, I am a sucker for a good Disney love song, Alan Menken style and it wasn't delivered, but female power ballad 'Let it Go' was my favourite. Talking of female power, after the release of Pixar's Brave, I'm guessing it was simply time for the main branch to follow suit with bamf princesses. 

I loved Olaf (the snowman) for the comic relief, but Elsa had to be my favourite. Her dress is SO COOL. Yes, I realise I am 21.

Thursday - Had lunch with Katelyn and her family - I have experienced an American Thanksgiving!! It was very good, complete with cranberry sauce and I even tried pumpkin and pecan pie (I have discovered that I do not like the flavour... I am a savory pie kind of person instead of a sweet one). The rest of the day was relaxing - have two 10 page essays to complete this weekend so I wanted to have one day off! No rest for the wicked.

However, 2 weeks until the end of term and 3 weeks until I go to Chicago. I can do this!

Edit: I realise I forgot to blog about the last of the football games. Homecoming game was great - this was the only game we attended as a big group.

I borrowed Austin's hat - became a bit attached to it.

Cheeky pic of Mike dressed as Darth Vader in the background!

GROUP PHOTO! (Minus Alice, she wasn't looking in the right direction...)

The final game I saw was against Texas A&M - THE GAME WAS AMAZING. Ridiculously cold and drizzly (it shouldn't be like this, it's Louisiana!) The football games have really made my time here enjoyable - it has been a proper American college experience.

Spot the drunk participant *coughs* Austin *coughs*

After all, Saturday night in Death Valley is the 'best time you will ever have with 92,400 of your closest friends.'

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