Tuesday 5 November 2013

By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes - William Shakespeare

2nd November 2013 - We have a problem... I'm wearing too many clothes for Halloween!!

31st October 2013 - I experienced an American Halloween. It was an interesting experience for 2 reasons; the first - students even go to class in costume like it is normal (and some professors even give extra credit as a reward!) and the second,  "in the regular world, Halloween is when children dress up in costumes and beg for candy. In Girl World, Halloween is the one night a year when a girl can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it." I saw far too much boob and far too much bottom for my liking. The only benefit about having Halloween here is that the night is still warm so the girls wearing practically nothing won't end up with pneumonia. Halloween at home has such an emphasis on looking scary and disgusting (complete with fake blood) but here the emphasis (for women - OHHHH DOUBLE STANDARDS) is to wear as little as possible.

I tried on my roomie's costume - I'm more of a Loki girl myself but it was rather fun walking around the room as the God of Thunder!

I made a very half hearted attempted at a costume - put on a Gryffindor tie (I'm a Slytherin but my roomie didn't have that costume), wear my Hogwarts t-shirt, drew a scar on my forehard and voilĂ  - female Harry Potter! I mean, I was going to go as a slutty cop/nurse/witch/stereotypical female role but let's be honest, I didn't want to end up causing a sex riot. We ended up going to a house party...and leaving after an hour because woooooow. Sometimes there are no words to describe these things.

I should have gone as Wonder Woman to continue this DC line up!

2nd November 2013 - I was a volunteer at this year's Louisiana Book Festival, helping in the Young Reader's Pavilion. I have never met a child at home who called me ma'am so to experience it here was weird - the confused look on their faces as a non-American voice came out of my mouth was priceless!! I had a really good day; and I love the fact festivals have to be held in November because to hold them in summer means everyone would melt from the heat!! The weather at present is perfect.

Much to my surprise, Claudia Gray was at the festival. She is a young adult writer, and I started reading her books at about fifteen/sixteen so to meet her was unexpected yet great. 

I bought the fifth book in a vampire series she writes - this book was impossible to find at home so my collection is now complete! (no idea when I will get to read it but it was signed!!)

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