Friday 29 November 2013

I am grateful for what I am and have - Henry David Thoreau

25th November 2013 - 28th November 2013 - Thanksgiving week!!!

Monday - I saw Catching Fire. It was very close to the book, so I'm impressed! 

Tuesday - Went to 'Friendsgiving' at Jono's house. It was 'bring your own dish' so naturally, I made yorkshire puddings (as I miss eating them so badly.) Even though it wasn't 'cooking' as such, I realised how much I have missed this activity (had to be careful how I worded that - putting "I have missed being in the kitchen" opens me up to stereotyping!!!) I tried American biscuits which are basically just scones. Also witnessed sweet potato mash with marshmallows on the top - it looked and smelt revolting; no way was I even going to try it!

Wednesday - Went to see Frozen today!! Haven't seen a Disney film in the cinema since Tangled came out so naturally, I was very excited. It was amazing - the detail was spectacular, it was hilarious and the music was great (however, I am a sucker for a good Disney love song, Alan Menken style and it wasn't delivered, but female power ballad 'Let it Go' was my favourite. Talking of female power, after the release of Pixar's Brave, I'm guessing it was simply time for the main branch to follow suit with bamf princesses. 

I loved Olaf (the snowman) for the comic relief, but Elsa had to be my favourite. Her dress is SO COOL. Yes, I realise I am 21.

Thursday - Had lunch with Katelyn and her family - I have experienced an American Thanksgiving!! It was very good, complete with cranberry sauce and I even tried pumpkin and pecan pie (I have discovered that I do not like the flavour... I am a savory pie kind of person instead of a sweet one). The rest of the day was relaxing - have two 10 page essays to complete this weekend so I wanted to have one day off! No rest for the wicked.

However, 2 weeks until the end of term and 3 weeks until I go to Chicago. I can do this!

Edit: I realise I forgot to blog about the last of the football games. Homecoming game was great - this was the only game we attended as a big group.

I borrowed Austin's hat - became a bit attached to it.

Cheeky pic of Mike dressed as Darth Vader in the background!

GROUP PHOTO! (Minus Alice, she wasn't looking in the right direction...)

The final game I saw was against Texas A&M - THE GAME WAS AMAZING. Ridiculously cold and drizzly (it shouldn't be like this, it's Louisiana!) The football games have really made my time here enjoyable - it has been a proper American college experience.

Spot the drunk participant *coughs* Austin *coughs*

After all, Saturday night in Death Valley is the 'best time you will ever have with 92,400 of your closest friends.'

Monday 11 November 2013

Washington is a very easy city for you to forget where you came from and why you got there in the first place - Harry S. Truman

7th October - 10th October - Fall Break!

Thursday - The day started at 2:45am. I was surprised at how friendly the security staff were considering it was so early in the morning but that is the South! Sat next to Charlotte on the journey and I was supposed to start reading The Golden Compass for English but I was too tired (so I attempted to sleep instead!) Two things I noticed when I got off the first plane at Texas; 1) SO COLD, probably because of 2) I COULD BREATHE - NO HUMIDITY! WONDERFUL! Arriving in DC, we got on the Metro (I miss the tube!) and met Hannah; we dropped off our luggage and first, we went to Madame Tussauds when we first arrived - I wanted to go for the simple reason that all 44 Presidents are immortalised in wax!! 

Met George.

Debating important things with John Adams

Hard times in Hooverville


Chilling with the Kennedys - it's a hard life.

My 2nd favourite President LBJ (yes, I know it is controversial!)


Afterwards, we walked to the White House and then took the fifteen minute walk to the Reflecting Pool and Lincoln Memorial.

I don't consider myself very talented when it comes to taking photographs, but I do like this!

View from the Lincoln Memorial 

 It was a surreal experience - it is a scene I've seen in textbooks for years and to finally be there, looking out at the view...I had a moment!

That evening, I went to a place called 'Sign of the Whale'. I didn't have much food as I ate the world's biggest burger for lunch, but I ended up drinking a bucket drink!

Let me tell you, it made me feel a little bit wobbly....

Friday - Today I started as I meant to go on - I put salt in my coffee instead of sugar! We went first to the Natural History Museum.

Outside the Museum

Casual elephant model in the love seeing taxidermy animals!

Next, the American History Museum. The counter from the Greensboro sit-in was there, so I had a history fan-girl moment, but I also enjoyed over exhibtions; a Presidents section, First Lady dresses, American at War...

Eleanor Roosevelt's inauguration dress (my favourite First Lady!)

Rivalling Lincoln with the hat!!

The last museum we went to was the National Archives where I saw the Bill of Rights, The (very faded) Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. We couldn't take any pictures, considering the documents were so old; and to get into the building we had to submit ourselves to airport type security but it was still interesting to see such an important part of American history. 

We went for cupcakes at a place called Sprinkles afterwards!

I would not lie on this blog...and for this, I must admit that after being here for 3 months without Indian food has driven me a little bit crazy (or, more so than my usual standards before anyone else attempts to make that joke!). So we had curry for dinner and life is complete right now! Afterwards, we went to two bars which was an interesting interesting I mean THERE WERE SO MANY PEOPLE IN THERE, IT WAS HARD TO BREATHE.

Saturday - First, we went to Arlington National Cemetry. Luckily, the weather wasn't as cold as it was yesterday! 

The views from the top of the cemetary were stunning.

The eternal flame to mark JFK's grave

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Afterwards, I went to the Holocaust Memorial Museum; it was a very emotional museum. I ended the day by exploring the memorials.

Found Louisiana!

At the Korean War Memorial - a very interesting quote...

Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial

At the FDR Memorial - which made me ridiculously happy!

One of my favourite women in history; Eleanor Roosevelt (so glad she was included in the memorial!)

My lovelies Jessie, Sarah & Adam!

That evening, I saw Thor 2 with Hannah & two of her friends. The movie was amazing, Tom Hiddleston is even more perfect than he was before. It was a great way to end the trip!

Sunday - Back in Baton Rouge. I had the most amazing time in DC; yes, it was cold (my internal thermometer has adjusted to Louisiana temperatures!) but the scenary was beautiful, it was such an iconic place to see! A big thank you must be given to Hannah, letting me stay with her, Sarah, Adam & Jessie for showing me such a wonderful time! However, I'm glad to be back in the South - I missed the friendly people who randomly smile at you on the street rather than glare.

Tuesday 5 November 2013

By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes - William Shakespeare

2nd November 2013 - We have a problem... I'm wearing too many clothes for Halloween!!

31st October 2013 - I experienced an American Halloween. It was an interesting experience for 2 reasons; the first - students even go to class in costume like it is normal (and some professors even give extra credit as a reward!) and the second,  "in the regular world, Halloween is when children dress up in costumes and beg for candy. In Girl World, Halloween is the one night a year when a girl can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it." I saw far too much boob and far too much bottom for my liking. The only benefit about having Halloween here is that the night is still warm so the girls wearing practically nothing won't end up with pneumonia. Halloween at home has such an emphasis on looking scary and disgusting (complete with fake blood) but here the emphasis (for women - OHHHH DOUBLE STANDARDS) is to wear as little as possible.

I tried on my roomie's costume - I'm more of a Loki girl myself but it was rather fun walking around the room as the God of Thunder!

I made a very half hearted attempted at a costume - put on a Gryffindor tie (I'm a Slytherin but my roomie didn't have that costume), wear my Hogwarts t-shirt, drew a scar on my forehard and voilĂ  - female Harry Potter! I mean, I was going to go as a slutty cop/nurse/witch/stereotypical female role but let's be honest, I didn't want to end up causing a sex riot. We ended up going to a house party...and leaving after an hour because woooooow. Sometimes there are no words to describe these things.

I should have gone as Wonder Woman to continue this DC line up!

2nd November 2013 - I was a volunteer at this year's Louisiana Book Festival, helping in the Young Reader's Pavilion. I have never met a child at home who called me ma'am so to experience it here was weird - the confused look on their faces as a non-American voice came out of my mouth was priceless!! I had a really good day; and I love the fact festivals have to be held in November because to hold them in summer means everyone would melt from the heat!! The weather at present is perfect.

Much to my surprise, Claudia Gray was at the festival. She is a young adult writer, and I started reading her books at about fifteen/sixteen so to meet her was unexpected yet great. 

I bought the fifth book in a vampire series she writes - this book was impossible to find at home so my collection is now complete! (no idea when I will get to read it but it was signed!!)