Monday 21 April 2014

I only hope that we don't lose sight of one thing - that it was all started by a mouse - Walt Disney

12th April - 19th April 2014 - And so ends the best week of my life: Spring Break 2014

It took a 12 hour car journey; we drove through Alabama and Mississippi to reach Florida, but get to Orlando we did. Day #1 - Magic Kingdom. The morning was dedicated to rides; Space Mountain, Splash Mountain (which broke while we were on it; just before the huge drop!), Thunder Mountain - there is a theme here... - all enjoyable and a great way to start the day. Gets the adrenaline pumping after a 6:15am start!

Ah the face characters, such perfect people! Gaston has to be one of my favourites - he had the voice, sexist arrogance but the guy who played him was so so handsome (we all fell in love even if he was a bit creepy...I suppose that's the point of his character) Met plenty of other characters today as well; Ariel, Sleeping Beauty, Winnie the Pooh and Tigger, Mary Poppins complete with dodgy English accent...

Group shot with Cinderella because she was adorable. I love the new Princess costumes!

The new Fantasy parade was fantastic - here is Anna & Elsa on the Frozen float. Other characters including Cinderella, Ariel, Rapunzel & Flynn Rider, Peter Pan & Wendy...poor Snow White was demoted to a walking role; no float for her!

Just about to meet Cinderella & Aurora! There is always time for a quick selfie!

Day #2 - Epcot here we come. Oh hello there Tink! There weren't many rides at Epcot; we went on a ride called Soarin' which was SO COOL and you ride over California and this TERRIFYING water ride in Norway which was a Viking ride. I just do not like water rides and this had a random explosion half way through in which I screamed. I jumped off that ride so fast and the operator laughed at me. Getting laughed at by handsome men - story of my life.

Kisses for Mickey! We also met Minnie Mouse & Goofy (who was very tall!)

So this has to be one of the highlights of the trip; these two are my favourites and while I have met a Jasmine face character in Paris, I have never met Aladdin. So I told them they were my favourites and Aladdin said I had made his day so that's all I ask for really!

I also spent two hours and 20 minutes in a queue to meet Anna & Elsa. Yes, I am insane but their costumes were just so wonderful and I got a hug from them both!

Day #3 - Hollywood Studios! I chickened out of the Tower of Terror (I don't like normal lifts, I have no desire to go on a ride!) We also met more face characters - Woody & Buzz and a very scary looking Mike & Sulley!

It rained in the afternoon when we got back to Magic Kingdom. We escaped the storm by going onto the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. When the rain still hadn't stopped, we queued up to meet Rapunzel and Snow White!

Meeting my new bestie Merida. She poked her tongue out at me in the queue, we mocked the normal Princess poses and she asked me for a hug! She also called me her curly haired friend. Perfect face character was perfect!

No Princess smiling for us! (Goal reached - meet every single Disney Princess!)

Day #4 - Final day and we started in Animal Kingdom. Went on a safari, went on a rollercoaster called Everest WHICH WAS THE BEST RIDE EVER, met Pocahontas where we were told we were going to be in a Disney parade.

Now, I may be 21 years old but it is a life long dream of mine to be in a Disney parade. Being chosen was the best feeling in the world - I cried. Not ashamed. I felt so lucky to be there; waving and smiling is tiring after an hour but I wouldn't change the experience for the world.

That evening I went to the Be Our Guest restaurant with Natalie. It was so beautifully decorated inside, just like the film. The food was so good - I tried the grey stuff, it was delicious! You even get to meet the Beast after dinner!

Day #5 - No longer at Disney but we went to Universal Studios & Harry Potter world! Everyone ended up taking a picture of me at this moment and the guyasked me if I am famous. Yes...yes I am.

The ride inside the castle is TERRIFYING. I had my eyes closed for most of it - Spiders in the Forbidden Forest, dementors coming after you, a dragon breathing fire at you...erm, no thanks! Hogsmeade was well decorated - it was smaller than I imagined but if you enjoy the Harry Potter movies, it's a great place to see!

I was not brave enough to go on The Hulk ride so I met Captain America. He asked so politely for our photo; 'do you mind if I protect you ma'am?' TELL ME HOW I COULD SAY NO TO SUCH A LOVELY MAN?

Also joined the X-Men; here I am using my mutant powers for good with Cyclops.

I did prefer Disney from Universal; Universal is very ride heavy and although I am a fan of rollercoasters, extreme speed & height do not appeal to me and most of the rides there tick those two boxes. Went on two water rides even though the weather wasn't good - Jurassic Park & Popeye - I GOT SOAKED. It's always my luck to get soaked on water rides; it happened on the rapids in Animal Kingdom too!

This blog post only has a selection of photos - I took over 500 and choosing my favourites has been hard but I will always always remember this experience and I want to go back to Disney as soon as possible! It's such a happy place - everyone is always smiling and asking you how you are etc. Hate the fact that Spring Break is over, went so quickly. Just like this year abroad...only three weeks left including essays and finals. I don't want this to end!!

Sunday 6 April 2014

Of all the hardships a person had to face, none was more punishing than the simple act of waiting - Khaled Hosseini

Saturday 5th April 2014 -So begins the longest week of my life... 

One week; a Sunday and five days of classes stands between me and a ten hour drive to Orlando, Florida for Spring Break to begin. 21 years and I will finally have stepped foot in Walt Disney World.

What have I been doing since the month I last blogged? (I can't believe it's been a month - how time flies!!) Well, work mostly. I've had reading, essays, midterms and presentations. However, I have had the ocassional chance to have fun....

It was a friend's birthday & it also happened to be the night a frat threw a neon light inspired event at the same bar; hence the ears!

That isn't alcohol in my hand, it' juice!

Nikki 'wing woman/spirit animal' Grant and I!

What can I say? I have definitely become a more confident person on this year abroad and just happier with myself. Or perhaps that is just the effects of discovering alcohol!!

Today (Saturday) was our last time in Tiger Stadium for the spring game. My time in there has to be one of the best moments here at LSU and I'm really going to miss the atmosphere of the place.

Before we were distracted by the team walking into the stadium in front of us!!

Finally. course choices have gone up for next year. Am I surprised about the lack of choice? No. They've taken the Herman Melville course away from me which devastates me but they've replaced that course with one on Edgar Allan Poe. All lecturers are a surprise as is how the courses are assessed- let's see how final year goes!!!