Friday 25 October 2013

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on - Robert Frost

25th October 2013 - A towel on your head and a sexy dress.

Midterms are over; such a lovely feeling after having the sense of impending doom looming over your shoulder for two weeks. I weirdly got 100% on my women's history exam...I haven't received a score like that since primary school. To celebrate, I went to downtown Baton Rouge in the evening to a music event. It wasn't really my type of music and the exhaustion from working until ridiculous o'clock these past few weeks meant I left early with Nikki. Public transport here is, shall we say, an experience. First, we waited 50 minutes in the rain for the bus to arrive, there was no clear bus stop so we just loited outside of a hotel and it gets dark really early here so I feared for my life at 7pm.

We were handed out free towels at the Florida football game. Everyone seemed to be wearing them on their heads so we joined in...
I have also come to the conclusion that there is something unnatural about still putting on suncream in October.

The work load continues however. I have 2 essays standing between me and Washington DC so I am very excited (also, with the government being open again means monuments & museums are also open!) - the next two weekends will be busy in order to achieve this goal, but I know Fall Break is going to be worth it!

Fall Fest!

I'm still buying random stuff I don't even need. Went shopping on the 20th of October and bought a dress for when I go to DC. It started out as something for me to try on to make Alice laugh and everyone on viewing actually liked it. It appears that not only can I pull off stupid hats, I can pull off interesting dresses. Showed mum and her reaction was my favourite; The dress is very sexy for you! What can I say mum, America has changed me and that is 50 Shades of okay.

On a final note, I have chosen my course choices for next semester; Science Fiction & American History, Tudor England, The First World War and Comic Books & Graphic Novels of the 1980s. I really wanted there to be a course on 19th century literature but alas, it was a graduate course - no Louisa May Alcott learning for me!

Sunday 6 October 2013

I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move. - Robert Louis Stevenson

5th October 2013 - How many places within state can I manage to visit?

I may have a midterm Wednesday. I may have an essay to complete tomorrow. However, that did not stop me from going to Lafayette with my room mate for what I dubbed 'road trip with the roomie' day. Cue awesome mix tape made by me (showing off the very best music Britain has to offer *coughs* McFly *coughs*), and an hour journey from Baton Rouge and we were ready to hit the open road!

I'm glad I went - I have booked flights to Massachusetts, Chicago and DC & I am planning trips to many more states yet have not even managed to leave Baton Rouge. From what I saw, the place was very much like the city I live in only smaller. We drove through Downtown which had some cool architecture choices before finding outselves at a mall.

Let me have my female moment. I have not shopped in weeks. I usually find shopping tedious and unnecessary but when I haven't done it for a while, I suddenly shop until I drop; and dropped I did. I told mum I would come home from this year abroad with 1 t-shirt, maybe 2 tops. I now have roughly fourteen and I still have another term worth of buying to follow. May need to seek therapy for my t-shirt buying obsession...

Like I could resist this.

Like I could resist this either...

Okay, this one was more of a souvenir t-shirt as we drove past the university and the stadium and the name makes me chuckle. [I say t-shirt, it's so long I'm wearing it as a dress!)
Tigers are still better mascots however.

Regardless of the trip, on my return I managed to plan an essay (which I still have no idea what I'm writing about) and wrote a journal on The Hunger Games & Catching Fire for English. I can be productive when I put my mind to it!