Sunday 10 May 2015

This is not the beginning of a new chapter in my life; this is the beginning of a new book! - C. Joybell C.

Sunday 10th May 2015 - Long time, no speak.

I realised today, that once upon a time, I owned a blog. I did not write a blog for anyone but myself as I did not, and do not, expect anyone to read it. Yet I wrote it in times of enjoyment and in times of stress. A not so personal diary if you will.

My sister rehomed a dog in my year absence. He is the most precious thing ever, even if he smells awful, has two teeth and a bladder of an 80 year old man (turns out, that's what 16 dog years equates to in human years!)

There has not been much time for creativity in my life during the past year. The final year of university has been challenging and I have not even had time to read for fun, let alone write my own work - but with a week to go, I turn back to this blog. 

My boyfriend is part of the reason why I decided to write again. He's convinced I'm going to be discovered and make lots of money therefore being able to afford to live in East London. Specifically Wapping. I'd happily follow him there. But here we are my love, this one's for you.

Here he is. My 'restarting blog' inspiration. Looking very dapper in his shirt post-PhD interview. Sorry for including your picture...even if no-one will see it anyway!

I began this blog at the start of a new chapter in my life. At the time, I did not realise it was a new chapter. I did not realise how much I would change and still didn't once I'd finished. Now I know I am beginning a new chapter. I graduate university. I'm trying to find a job. I'm seeing how employment will work with a relationship (if everyone else can do it, why can't I?) I'm decorating my room after 12 years of lipstick pink walls (yes mum, 11 year old me loved my colour scheme, 22 year old me...not so much.) The last part is probably the most important. Definitely a sign I've grown up!!

This blog will not be about travelling unfortunately. I hope to go away for my birthday - I'm pushing for Amsterdam, Rome or Venice...I feel Walt Disney World is asking too much! Thus, this blog will be about me. It shall not be a weekly occurrence but I'll drop in from time to time (until I'm discovered at least!!) It may also contain the occassional book I've read (currently Caitlin Moran's 'How To Build A Girl' - it's alright). I'll try to add excitement through spontaneity! 

I rescued a kitten in April. Came home from the theatre (where above picture was taken) to find him on my walk home clearly too young to be separated from his mother. I named him Emerson. He keeps trying to go outside. 

Now to turn my attention back to revision. You're almost there Sophie. Until next time.