Tuesday 25 February 2014

Music expresses that which cannot be said - Victor Hugo

19th February - 20th February 2014 - We'll be burning up like Neon Lights

After having booked tickets to see Demi Lovato in November of last year, this Wednesday the day I had been waiting for had FINALLY arrived!! The only thing standing in the way of the concert was a four hour drive across a state line. We were coming Texas.

How many people can you fit into the state of Texas?

That lone star is taken very seriously!

We arrived eventually, and the concert was amazing. I have been wanting to see her live for years and this is another amazing thing that this year abroad has allowed me to do. My favourite song - Skyscraper - was played which, I will admit, made me very emotional! 

Skyscraper moment.

We (which I should specify included Nikki & Megan) stayed in Texas overnight, at Megan's aunt's house which should only be described as mansion as house doesn't do it justice. I slept in my own room (oh privacy, how I have missed thee) in a bed so comfy that I forgot where I was when I woke up! I fully expected to go straight home the next morning but we spent the day in Texas. We were taken to a British food market in which Megan's aunt treated us to goodies - I have more squash AND more chocolate! We went for pedicures and for authentic Mexican food, again we were so kindly treated by Megan's aunt!

Here at LSU, Baseball season has started. Nikki and I took a very warm Sunday afternoon away from our desks to visit Alex Box Stadium and watch a game against Grambling. LSU won - but the highlight of the game has to be the group of guys sitting in front of us. Their commentary was hilarious and the grief that they were giving the player standing closest to the student area (who I assume they knew because it was friendly [I hate this next word] banter) was very funny!

Thumbs up if you enjoy Baseball!

Thursday 13 February 2014

It is for this reason that most of us would rather love than be loved - Carson McCullers

12th February 2014 - Tale as Old as Time, Song as Old as Rhyme

I do apologise for my lack of posts of late. Alas, the workload has resumed which leaves little time for pleasure. We've had no more "snow" days which means full weeks of work (I know, it's a very hard life!!) I'm enjoying my classes which is a good thing but ask me again when the essays start! In a shock twist of fate, I've also started going to the gym.

I decided to blog because this evening I saw the Beauty & the Beast musical. It is a touring production and they stopped by at the Union theatre. I really enjoyed it!! Okay, the Beast had a bit too much of the 'comic relief' role, far from his 'tortured soul' role in the film, but the costumes, dancing and singing were all so great. I loved the guy who played Lumière - but I love his character in the film too. I am now even more excited for Walt Disney World; 2 months today.

Nikki may be pulling an...interesting face, and this may be a snapchat picture, but here we are waiting for the show to start. We were on the second row which was fantastic! 

In other news, it is Valentine's Day in 2 days. I'm breaking my life rule of 'not acknowledging that day exists' for the time being to explain how big a thing it is here. Everything is either pink or red in the supermarkets, themed food suddenly starts appearing and my RA has a little gift planned for all who live down my hall. I will further break my rule by posting a picture my friend Carrie put on my Facebook wall.


May all your days, not just Friday, be filled with some sort of love but for all the women who wish to follow my path into spinsterhood, you're welcome [I suggest you click it ;)] Until next time.